Hi, I’m Dr. Kaibo Xu.


Welcome to my website.

I received my Bachelor degree (1998) in Computer Science from Beijing University of Chemical Technology and Master (2005) and PhD (2010) in Computer Science from the University of the West of Scotland. I worked as a Teaching Assistant (1998-2004), Lecturer (2004-2009), Associate Professor (2009-2017) at Beijing Union University. I have supervised more than 20 master and doctoral students who are successful in their academic and industrial careers. As the principal investigator, I have received 7 governmental funds and 5 industrial funds with the total amount of 5M in the Chinese dollar. I have also consulted extensively and been involved in many industrial projects. I used to work as the Chief-Information-Officer (CIO) of Yunbai Clothing Group, China (2016-2019).

Currently, I'm' serving as the Group Vice President and Principal Scientist of MiningLamp Technology Group Corporation, China. My research interests include data mining, database conceptual modelling, knowledge graph and knowledge reasoning.





Selected Research Grants

